Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Benefits of Magnesium Oil Don’t Stop There.

There are some fundamental questions that should be asked of any proposed approach to sports medicine.

Does it do what it claims it will do?

What are the benefits?

What are the risks?

What are the alternatives?

Usually in medicine the truth is complicated, but complications are the last thing athletes and their trainers want or need. What we promise is easily confirmed by individual athletes and their doctors and coaches; you will find in these pages testimonials from athletes who have been open enough to try something new.

We offer Magnesium Oil benefits with close to zero risk and for a thousand years there will not be any alternatives because we are concentrating the basics of life itself into a formula that will super-charge athletic performance. Just as there will never be an alternative to proper breathing, there will never be an alternative to essential nutrients like magnesium, bicarbonate, and iodine.

What we promise is an increase in oxygen-carrying capacity and supercharged mitochondrial function.

In addition, red blood cells will become healthier, cell walls more permeable, cellular waste removal amplified, tissues more flexible, and general pH heightened. Vitally important for the athlete is detoxification and actual chelation of heavy metals and other dangerous toxic chemicals from the tissues.

Sports physicians should know that the danger of dying in sports competitions is augmented by increases in mercury contamination in the heart tissues. But they don’t teach athletes how to remove the mercury or better yet how to avoid mercury contamination in the first place.

Athletes should never take the yearly flu shots that contain mercury, and for sure they should never allow a dentist to put mercury fillings in their mouths if they want to avoid the possibility of sudden death during performance. Any and all kinds of heavy metal accumulation will hurt cellular respiration as well as oxygen-carrying capacity.

There are many things that you can do to improve your athletic performance.

One of the most basic ways to improve your performance is through proper diet and dietary supplements, which can, when used appropriately add rocket fuel to your mitochondria and help reduce acid buildup thus reducing fatigue. When it comes to game day, you want to make sure that your body has the access to all of the nutrients and energy it needs to perform as efficiently as possible and this can be accomplished in the most proficient way with certain key nutrients.

Magnesium oil and bicarbonate are the most important minerals to sports nutrition. Their use for athletic performance can make the difference between winning and losing and between sickness and health thus no serious athlete or sports medicine practitioner can afford to overlook these mineral salts.

When magnesium oil is deficient, things begin to die, but when our body’s magnesium levels are topped off, our body physiology tends to hum along like a racecar yielding higher performance along many physiological parameters. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) facilitates the removal of hydrogen ions from the muscle cell so as to help maintain the muscle cell near its optimal pH for enzyme functions and energy production.

The pH in the muscle cells is slightly alkaline while at rest. Normally, it is at this level that enzymes that produce energy via the lactic acid and oxygen energy systems perform at their optimum. As the concentration of hydrogen ions and acidity increases in the muscle cells optimal functioning of enzymes will be disturbed and energy production will decrease.  Fatigue results because of increased acid production within the muscle cell when the lactic acid energy system is used during high intensity exercise.

During rest and exercise, proteins within the muscle cell help to buffer metabolic acids. But beyond the initial buffering in the cell, during exercise, the lactic acid produced appears to be buffered almost entirely by the sodium bicarbonate in the blood. Our body produces and uses plain old baking soda to protect its blood from acidity.

Only a few top coaches and sports doctors understand and have mastered the use of magnesium, bicarbonate, and other minerals like potassium and calcium. The word few is used literally here for we are staking entirely new ground in sports medicine introducing not only transdermal magnesium therapy but also bicarbonate bath therapy, which bypasses all the gastrointestinal problems some athletes have when ingesting bicarbonate orally.

1 comment:

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