Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Pain Management, Fatigue and Muscle Cramps- magnesium oil

One most important benefit of magnesium oil has to do with relieving pain from conditions such as muscle cramps, and fibrillation. Magnesium oil intake is therefore essential because it reduces muscle pain and hence heart health, something that was confirmed in a 2006 study by the Journal of Period ontology. This study also confirmed the long held believe that people with enough magnesium in their body live longer than those lacking the same.

A lot of medicines or medical substances have been proven and tested to make these claims. Transdermal application of magnesium oil has been recognized in pain management. Fatigue, cramps and muscle pain are signs to show there is magnesium deficiency in one's body. The usage of magnesium oil by massaging or spraying it on a person's skin is the most effective, convenient and quickest way to transfer magnesium chloride into the tissues and cells. 3 - 5 sprays normally under each armpit perform very effective when sprayed like a deodorant, at the same time carrying magnesium quickly through the skin into the blood stream, gland and lymph channels for circulation in the body. Irrespective of where you spray magnesium oil on the body it enters the skin and the body takes it to the needed tissues.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Magnesium Oil Benefits Are Miraculous

Magnesium oil benefits are so amazing that many health and massage experts have considered this healing and rejuvenating oil as the miracle oil.

It is widely being used by the massage therapist at many health spas and healing centers all over the world.

When it comes to magnesium oil the concentration can simply and gently be used on the skin or applied in bath water, instantly this will result in an effective medical treatment.

Oral magnesium and intensive trans dermal can be used on a daily basis for effective and consistent health benefits.

Magnesium oil in a person's body is nothing short of being considered to work miracles for almost anyone.

It is so clear and vivid that the effects have no false claim, no mistake and no mysticism.

With magnesium oil there has not been any report of major side effects or causing harm to anybody.

Magnesium Oil Therapy - Breakthrough in Sports

Magnesium oil therapy provides an interesting breakthrough in sports and athlete medicine.

Sports physicians can prevent injuries, treat them and enhance athlete's performance all at the same time using magnesium oil.

Magnesium oil can be used to increase athletic injuries’ recovery, or activities like cramps and many more.

It controls and reduces inflammation while giving quicker new tissues and magnesium chloride also helps in flexibility which aids in preventing injury.

Hamstrings are mostly prevented by nutritional support because this prevention is dependent on the existence of adequate levels of magnesium.

Benefits for Hair and Scalp

Magnesium oil benefits the hair helping it grow and look nice, when applied on the scalp it improves growth by clearing calcium deposits off the scalp that may be blocking hair follicles.

Magnesium oil is also beneficial to people suffering from baldness resulting from inflammation or calcium deposits that might have gotten in their hair follicles. This is because calcification of hair follicles is a known cause of baldness which can be cured or absorbed from these hair follicles courtesy of the magnesium oil.Results may take a few months to show probably 6 months but in all it is very useful when it comes to growing hair.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Benefits of Magnesium Oil for Health and Skin

1. Sports performance and workout recovery
Athletes need adequate magnesium levels to perform at their best. Magnesium studies have shown that exercise redistributes magnesium throughout the body and can negatively affect physical performance. Athletes like gymnasts and wrestlers that rely on weight control may be the most affected. Magnesium-deficient individuals can find beneficial effects on their exercise performance when magnesium supplements are introduced. Benefits of Magnesium Oil  is also a natural muscle relaxant and applications to sore muscles and joints can also provide pain and ache relief.

2. Migraine Relief

Migraine sufferers have lower levels of extracellular magnesium during acute migraine attacks. Low levels of magnesium affect a number of related receptors and neurotransmitters that cause migraine headaches. Studies have also shown that regular Benefits of Magnesium Oil  supplementation can reduce the frequency of migraines.

3. Skin care

In studies regarding magnesium oil uses, magnesium has been shown to break apart different fats and oils and, therefore, can help aid in reducing skin oiliness. Magnesium benefits also include its stress-relieving abilities, which can help to reduce stress-related skin irritations such as acne and rosacea.

4. Regulating diabetes

Poorly controlled diabetes results in a large excretion of glucose in urine, which in turn, depletes magnesium levels and has major implications in insulin resistance. Proper magnesium levels are incredibly important in diabetes patients, as insulin resistance can result in major problems in trying to control diabetes mellitus.

5. Regulating hypertension

Magnesium supplementation has been shown to offer slight decreases in blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension. There are a number of additional factors that affect blood pressure in these individuals, but the studies concluded magnesium supplementation lowers blood pressure. 

6. Stress relief and general well-being

Magnesium has long been known for its ability to relieve stress, as it is typically wasted via urine in times of duress. It aids in helping a number of neurological and physiological processes when the body is under stress, so maintaining sufficient levels will help to balance hormones naturally.

7. Sleep improvement

Magnesium works as a natural muscle relaxant, which is why many people swear by it to help with sleep issues. Magnesium helps you sleep because of its ability mineral to relax GABA receptors in the brain and nervous system, which helps promote a “slow down” you need in order to sleep.

Benefits of Magnesium Oil supplementation has also been shown to provide benefits, such as:

  • Care to prevent seizures for pregnant women with preeclampsia or eclampsia
  • Protection against brain damage in premature infants
  • Help with morning sickness in pregnant women
  • Hormone balancing
  • Reducing symptoms of PMS
  • Help prevent osteoporosis

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Benefits Of Magnesium Oil

Since discovering the benefits of magnesium oil, I now use it all the time.I am happy to report to you, magnesium spray benefits are everything you have heard about and more.

Hopefully I can enlighten you on some other facts regarding magnesium oil, and how you can easily make your own.Although referred to as an oil, and feels somewhat oily, it is not an oil.Often used for many health concerns and diseases, rejuvenating an aging body and keeping the body functioning and healthy.Walter Last, an Australian biochemist, and author of ‘The Natural Way To Heal,’ highly recommends the benefits of magnesium oil.

When used consistently magnesium spray benefits will lower blood sugar levels, improve diabetes, chronic pain, and asthma.You probably heard somewhere along the way, that most of us are deficient in magnesium.Consequently, across the world a deficiency is actually killing many people, and we need this amazing mineral to live.Having a blood test to tell you what your levels are, is virtually impossible.

Considering nearly all of this particular mineral is found in the bodies cells. Which is why magnesium spray benefits are becoming a healthy way for the body to get all it needs.There are some physical signs you may experience, to let you know you are deficient and probably in need of the benefits of magnesium oil.A deficiency can range from problems sleeping, constipation, body odour, anxiety, heart palpitation, loss of appetite, muscle cramps, backache, depression, confusion, diabetes, kidney stones and low energy.Do you often find you have a craving for chocolate? You could be deficient in magnesium as chocolate contains this mineral, and your body wants it!